Most heirs and beneficiaries have to wait to receive an inheritance after a loved one passes away. Unless someone will receive an account through a transfer-on-death designation or assets distributed by a trust, resources typically need to pass through probate court...
Efficient, Effective Solutions For Your Legal Needs
What happens if you can’t find someone’s will?
Your loved one made a will and gave you a copy – but they put their original document “somewhere safe.” Unfortunately, they never told anybody where the original document could be found, and that has left you in a fix because you need that document for the probate...
How spousal maintenance concerns can complicate a Texas divorce
When a married couple in Texas decides to divorce, maintenance could be one of the issues they need to address. Spousal maintenance is the term for financial support provided for one spouse by the other. Other states call such payments alimony or spousal support....
What happens if one parent doesn’t follow their custody order?
Parents may spend weeks or months negotiating, litigate in court or attend mediation to arrive at an arrangement for shared custody. Once a judge reviews and approves a custody order, parents have an obligation to follow that order and cooperate with one another to...
What are the 2 types of spousal support in Texas?
Whether you call it “spousal support” or “alimony,” spousal maintenance payments from one ex-spouse to the other after a divorce can be a hot-button issue for both parties. One usually feels that they’re being asked to give too much, while the other may feel that...
When can families seek guardianship to protect an elder member?
Most people imagine living independently well into their golden years, but that dream isn't achievable for everyone. Some people will eventually require support from family members or professionals due to medical challenges and declining cognitive function as they...
Can you move if you’re sharing custody?
You get divorced, and you and your spouse cannot determine on your own how you want to share custody of your children. You go to court, and a ruling is made. The court provides an order that you both have to follow, stipulating how you are supposed to share custody....
Should you try to keep the house in your divorce?
For most couples, the biggest asset they own is their house – and that means it’s often the biggest financial challenge that must be addressed during a divorce. Selling it and splitting the proceeds is often the easiest, quickest way to deal with the house, but you...
How do you gain more access to your child after getting sober?
A lot of things can change in the years and even months after your child custody order goes into place. While modifying a custody order isn’t something most parents (and judges) want to do on a frequent basis, sometimes it’s warranted. For example, it’s not uncommon...
How does a new relationship affect spousal maintenance in Texas?
Spousal maintenance, which is often referred to as “alimony,” isn’t automatic in Texas, nor is it usually designed to last forever. How long you have to pay spousal support is limited largely by the duration of your marriage to a dependent spouse, unless that spouse...