Couples preparing for divorce in Texas have a lot of issues to address. When they share children, the pressure to resolve matters quickly and effectively increases. Parents naturally want to preserve their connections with their children, and they may have to work...
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Does Texas law require parenting plans?
In Texas, parenting plans are not only encouraged but are usually required in cases involving child custody disputes. A parenting plan outlines how parents will schedule time with their kids, share responsibilities and (more broadly) make decisions regarding...
A no-show co-parent could inspire a parenting time modification
A custody order gives each parent a certain amount of time with their children. Shared parenting time is the standard approach when parents divorce or separate. Children typically have the best outcomes when they have strong relationships with both of their parents....
Can a co-parent move out of Texas with their children?
Sharing custody of minor children in Texas often requires a degree of compromise and personal sacrifice. Parents may need to make concessions in order to focus on what is best for their children. For example, they may only see their children on alternating birthdays...
What happens if one parent doesn’t follow their custody order?
Parents may spend weeks or months negotiating, litigate in court or attend mediation to arrive at an arrangement for shared custody. Once a judge reviews and approves a custody order, parents have an obligation to follow that order and cooperate with one another to...
Can you move if you’re sharing custody?
You get divorced, and you and your spouse cannot determine on your own how you want to share custody of your children. You go to court, and a ruling is made. The court provides an order that you both have to follow, stipulating how you are supposed to share custody....
How do you gain more access to your child after getting sober?
A lot of things can change in the years and even months after your child custody order goes into place. While modifying a custody order isn’t something most parents (and judges) want to do on a frequent basis, sometimes it’s warranted. For example, it’s not uncommon...
What can you do to make child custody easier after divorce?
Trying to set up child custody during your separation and following your divorce can be tough. Child custody is a difficult topic to discuss, especially when emotions are running high. There are some steps you can take to make custody planning easier, though. Some...
Benefits of sharing custody after divorce
Couples who get divorced usually do so because they no longer want to live together. That does not mean you don't want to live with your children. Many Texas parents remain in the same home together for years solely because they do not want to be away from their kids....
Should parents set up specific visitation pick-up locations?
Going through a divorce leads changes many people's lives. Texas families may contend with scheduling and other responsibilities related to visitation rights. Parents might find some unexpected troubles arise when confusion exists over picking up and dropping off the...