Married couples typically invest a substantial amount of time and energy into planning for the future together. They save up to buy a home together and help one another handle financial obligations, such as student loans and credit cards. They share the practical...
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Do divorcing couples in Texas need to split everything evenly?
A Texas divorce can trigger numerous types of disputes. Many couples have young children, which means that they must negotiate custody arrangements. Sometimes, there are financial support matters to handle as well. Not every couple needs to reach a custody arrangement...
What debts are subject to division in a Texas divorce?
The division of marital property is often one of the biggest challenges during a Texas divorce. While Texas is a community property state, the division of resources is not necessarily fast and easy. The Texas community property rules do not always require an even...
How spousal maintenance concerns can complicate a Texas divorce
When a married couple in Texas decides to divorce, maintenance could be one of the issues they need to address. Spousal maintenance is the term for financial support provided for one spouse by the other. Other states call such payments alimony or spousal support....
What are the 2 types of spousal support in Texas?
Whether you call it “spousal support” or “alimony,” spousal maintenance payments from one ex-spouse to the other after a divorce can be a hot-button issue for both parties. One usually feels that they’re being asked to give too much, while the other may feel that...
Should you try to keep the house in your divorce?
For most couples, the biggest asset they own is their house – and that means it’s often the biggest financial challenge that must be addressed during a divorce. Selling it and splitting the proceeds is often the easiest, quickest way to deal with the house, but you...
How does a new relationship affect spousal maintenance in Texas?
Spousal maintenance, which is often referred to as “alimony,” isn’t automatic in Texas, nor is it usually designed to last forever. How long you have to pay spousal support is limited largely by the duration of your marriage to a dependent spouse, unless that spouse...
3 steps couples often take before deciding to divorce
Deciding to divorce is a huge decision that will completely change your family and your future. It is only natural that you want to give your relationship every opportunity despite the challenges you currently face. Many couples can work through conflicts and preserve...
Should you see other people during your divorce trial?
Most people in Texas start dating again after they finalize their divorce case. Some people even start dating while they're going through a divorce. This might sound harmless, but if possible, it's best to hold off on dating until after you've closed your divorce...
The contested divorce process is thorough but necessary
Texas residents know that dealing with a divorce is hard. Dealing with a contested divorce is even harder. Divorces by their nature are very difficult on spouses because they signify the death of their union. In an uncontested divorce, the legal process goes through...